Monday, September 12, 2005

Whining, Will Robinson. Whining!

Imagine this.

You've been running uphill for about 45 minutes. A steady climb, nothing too steep, just consistent uphill running, and your body is tiring, quickly. You're handed a cup of water every 100 yards or so, which you graciously accept. But your body is revolting against you. You feel the cramping start to begin in your abdomen. You double over in pain. Feel it? You can't stand upright. The pain moves to your lower back. You're crippled.

Guys, this is what the first few days of our periods have in store for us. At this moment, I can hardly sit upright. It feels like a small demon has set up shop in my abdomen and he's having a midget-throwing party against my lower abdomen walls. When I stand, there is an audible groan that erupts. No amount of medication (legally) subsides the pain. It sucks. Tenfolds Five.

I know my blogging has been sparce due to time restrictions and I actually feel a bit guilty for blogging about something perceived as so trivial. But damn it, I'm in pain and the world should know about it. Menstrual cramps are no joking matter. They turn normally jovial women into seething monsters.

Unless you've got a heating pad and a shot of Chivas, stay the hell away.


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