Monday, August 22, 2005

Blogger's Block leads to Name JMR's Car!

Crikey, I have a good case of blogger's block. I have nothing to write about. Well, I do, but it involves work and having been taught proper blogging etiquette by none other than Bimmergeek, I'm sitting here with nothing to write about.

Nothing interesting, that is.

My weekend was drab. I spent a good majority of it battling a migraine, and sadly, the migraine won. Although, before the migraine squatted, I did manage to get my Trailblazer all spankin' clean. That's such a good feeling. I love having a clean car. It even smells clean, which is no small feat. At any given moment there is the faint aroma of melted crayons, smushed Bugles, stale spilled coffee and moldy baseball cleats. Put that all together and you've got yourself one foppish smelling automobile. I am proud to say, however, that is no longer the case. It smells jim-dandy right now. Just the right concoction of Armor All and carpet cleaner, with the emphasis on the carpet cleaner. Armor All doesn't smell all that great, but my leather seats are loving it. Techtard was in my truck today when we went to lunch. She was sliding all over the place. That made for interesting conversation, none of which is proper for this family friendly blog. (chortle)

Are there others who covet thy automobile as their sanctuary? I sure as hell do. It's my cocoon, my happy place, my chariot. Yeah, I spent $47.00 filling her up this morning, but do I care? Not one bit. She treats me like the queen that I am. She's my armor and she doesn't criticize my smashing singing voice.

And I just realized she needs a name. I had one car I named Sporty Boy, but I've never named my Trailblazer. Ok, I'll need some assitance, folks. Let's play "Name JMR's Car." Here's what you need to know to form an educated opinion:

2003 Chevy Trailblazer LTZ, red with silver trim, pimped out with all the amenities including heated leather seats, which, I must say, my winter ass loves. Not so much in the summer when my chucklehead husband turns them on unbeknownst to me. Not cool, especially when I'm leaving a thin layer of burnt skin behind on the seat. But I've gotten off track.

Name my car. One name I know for sure is off limits, so please, please, Techtard and Co., don't go there. I beg all of you. Other than that, anything is fair game, subject to my approval, of course.


At 23/8/05 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that if you had an 82 Honda Civic Deluxe that you could name her "Wanda"

At 24/8/05 8:14 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Hmmm, I kind of remember a Civic DeeeeeeeeLux, now how do I know that car? Oh yeah, Mark, you drove that for nearly 20 years.

A civic called Wanda.


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