Wednesday, August 10, 2005

JMR's Own Theme Music

Yeah, I stole this idea from the ING commercials...

Woman: "What's that?"
Man: "That's ING."
Woman: "I know what ING is, but what is that?"
Man: "Oh, that's a guy with his own theme music."

If I Had My Own Theme Music is a new feature on my blog. As I hear music that relates to my mood, personality, disposition, insanity, what have you, I'll update the title under this category.

Today's Theme Music choice is Better Than Ezra's It's Only Natural. I just picked up Before The Robots, Ezra's newest CD, and while listening, I was immediately drawn to this song. It's so damn funky and fun. It's a nice distraction from the other songs, which are really good, don't get me wrong, but this one stands out because of it's trippy style. Reminds me of some of the early 70s songs you'd hear on the static ridden AM/FM radio while riding in Dad's Chevy Caprice Classic station wagon in the rear seat facing the other direction.

Good times, people, good times.


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