Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Office Space: A Cult Classic

Last night I was fishing around for something to engage my brain on television. Yes, difficult, I know. I mean, between "Dancing With the Stars" and the Fox News Channel, what more could I ask for? But luckily for me, my remote surfed me to AMC where Office Space was showing.

Office Space. What a brilliant movie.

I used to work in a cube farm. I had my Bill Lumbergh. (Mmmm, yeah) I knew Samir and Michael in a past life, and yes, Peter was my unsung hero. After college and before my husband received his teaching certificate, he used to work for TGI Fridays, and gasp, he wore flair. I used to accessorize his flair because he loathed wearing it. I'm sure he wore 37 pieces too.

And Milton? Simply priceless. Milton Waddams and his red Swingline stapler should go down in history as two of the greatest movie characters of all time. They should have their own stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Today, I spent the last two hours of my work day scouring the net for Office Space Web sites. In the grand scheme of things, how appropriate is that? I'm thrilled to know that I'm not the only one out there who holds this movie in such high regard. Perhaps it's because we are all living it every day. Some of us more than others. In short, Mike Judge did an excellent job of portraying the suburban office sprawl of the late 90s with this movie.

I think my next party will have an Office Space theme. Hawaiian shirts, staplers, TPS Report Cover Sheets, flair, ex-crack addicted magazine salesmen and of course, no talent ass-clown Michael Bolton music.


At 20/7/05 8:37 PM, Blogger Meadow said...

Cube farm? LOL! I *loved* Office Space!


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