Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Information Overload

I'm experiencing information overload right now. Instead of taking a logical approach to my dilemma, I've decided to blog about it. Why not waste more time sharing the charms of my mental breakdowns with the likes of, well, everyone?

I hate when this happens. Too much stuff coming at me at one time. I'm good at multi-tasking, don't get me wrong, however, I tend to stagger over the trivial matters instead of focusing on the big picture. Go global, JMR, go global. So here I sit blogging. This tells me something about myself.

Self Realization No. 245: Writing is important to me.

When stress surfaces, my first instinct is to write about it. I consider that a good thing. It's definitely more health conscious than slamming a fifth of vodka, smoking a blunt or popping a few pills. Granted, those have their place in our world as we all need to find our vices, however it pays to choose wisely. I choose writing.

I don't consider myself a great writer, or even a mediocre writer, but I do consider myself part of the writing world. I'd like to fine-tune my niche in this world by becoming a "categorized writer" of some sort, most likely in the comedic realm. Blogging has introduced me to some of the most humorous and gifted writers. Everyone develops their own style, and I enjoy watching a writer's craft unfold through the stories they tell. They are an inspiration.

Yesterday, I was introduced to the Phat Phree.

I took an instant liking to this site because it has several references to the the area in which I grew up and because it's written by amateurs, very talented amateurs I might add. I wish I had found this site sooner. It has the same Web presence as the Onion, which, by far, is one of the best parody news sources out there. As you can see, I totally dig this kind of humor. If we can't laugh at what has become our reality, then what do we have left? I'm urging everyone to regain their sense of humor. Forget political correctness, laugh people, LAUGH!

I hope you've enjoyed this short introduction into microchasm that is my brain. I'm sure there will be more revelations. Fasten your seatbelts.


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