Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ahmina and SONSO!

Having just visited Techtard's site again, I realized that the Techtard uses many of our silly interpretations of words and I feel I must do justice to our region by explaining them.

Today's first word lesson is "ahmina".

No, you won't find it in the dictionary but it does exist, at least in Ohio where it's spoken nearly every second.

Ahmina is how we say "I'm going to." You pronounce it like this = ah-meh-na. For example:

Ahmina pick up Joonya from school and then ahmina stop at the store.

The second word lesson is "SONSO." It can be capped or uncapped, depending on your passion for using the word at the time.

Sonso is simply short for "sons of bitches"
pronounced like sunz-a-bitches
and eventually shortened to Sonso
pronounced like sun-zoh

More word explanations forthcoming.


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