Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fantarding Over Pete Yorn Pays Off, Again.

When I was new to Twitter I was immediately drawn to the idea of hearing what goes on in the brain pan of my favorite musicians. I can't think of a better way to be connected to some of my favorite people on the planet, well, except for maybe for their cell phone numbers and long, uninterrupted chats about their musical inspirations...but hell, we all know that's never going to happen. (By the way, Dave Matthews, you've neglected your Twitter far too long now.)

Imagine, however, my unadulterated joy when Pete Yorn followed me back in my early days of Twitter. Pete. Yorn. Dear God, I still have to fan myself whenever I think of that day. I thought it was a joke at first, or a Twitter error. I mean, really, why on earth would Pete Yorn follow me? It's because he's cool as shit, that's why. Pete Yorn actually mixes it up with his fans. His willingness to follow his fans furthers my belief that Pete is one cool cat who's down to earth despite some of the industry circles he swirls in. Pete Yorn is made of win. Dipped in awesome sauce. With a cherry on top.

To my dismay, the other day I noticed that Pete was no longer following me. My immediate reaction? I fantarded too much and crossed over to creepy stalkerdom. But then I realized he stopped following everyone except for a select few. I felt better for a split second, but still mourned the loss of my fan connection to Pete. You see, last May, because of following Pete on Twitter, I won two tickets to Coldplay and Pete Yorn in Pittsburgh from none other than Pete Yorn himself. I have the screen shot of my Twitter DMs to prove it! (Hey man, don't be a dream crusher, I know the messages probably came from one of his assistants)

(note in my excitement I said the June 30th show instead of the May 30th show, because June 30th is my birthday and I couldn't imagine a better birthday present than to see Pete Yorn and Coldplay - but no, I had to get all retarded and get the date wrong. Sigh. Smooth Jules, smooth.)

And our seats weren't on the lawn either > 3rd row! I think I actually felt Chris Martin's sweat drip on me. This was a dream come true for me and my Coldplay fantard sister. And shortly after, I won tickets from 91.3 the Summit in Akron to see Pete at the House of Blues in Cleveland, again, through Twitter. I was on a Pete Yorn high for weeks.

So you can imagine my disappointment when Pete stopped following his fans. But last night, Pete tweeted that he was receiving too much spam and needed to make some changes and would be following his fans again soon. Ok, I admit it. I'm not above begging and groveling. I made one tweet to further my follow back cause - a lame attempt because I was too afraid of coming off as the crackpot we all know and love. And guess what? Pete Yorn followed me back. *fans self one more time*

Last night, I was one of 30 people Pete Yorn was following, out of the 1,225,107 people who currently follow him. Holy frijoles.

I am ridiculed on a pretty regular basis by my friends about my fantard ways. Meh, I suppose I should care, but I really don't. My fantarding is only used for good, never evil. If I like a band's music, I'm going to feverishly promote them because typically my friends share my taste in music, plus I like to get on their nerves. *points at Dave* Fantarding and my cunning wit are some of my most enduring qualities. *eye roll*

See how fantarding paid off for me again? I'm just one tweet away from connecting with someone I genuinely admire for his contributions to my musical cosmos.

Now, if I could only think of something intelligent to say. Maybe I'll just start with a simple thank you. *tries to contain girly squeal* Sorry.

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