Friday, January 30, 2009

Paolo Nutini: Dave's Studio Blog

If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I enjoy the funny. Whether it be photos, the written word or a performed shtick, I love to laugh. I have the utmost respect for people who can be verbally descriptive and hilarious at the same time. It's an art form. They humble me. The interwebs is the best place to discover untapped written talent. Enter the blog.

Sidebar: I'm grazing from a baggie of reheated Tostino's Pizza Rolls that were originally baked properly two days ago. For future reference, I would not recommend this for lunch.

So earlier today, my favorite Californian, Robin, sent me a link to Dave's Studio Blog. Dave Nelson apparently is a member of Paolo Nutini's camp and will be blogging about the ongoings from inside the studio. His blog launched today from Paolo Nutini's official site and Robin thought that I would enjoy it. She was right.

I dig Paolo's music, but I don't follow his site routinely. I have friends like Robin to do that for me. She filters me juicy nuggets that she'll know I'll find interesting, like Dave's Studio Blog. This blog is something I will continue to read because he's all kinds of hilarious. Take, for instance, this little morsel, captioned underneath a picture of Paolo at the studio control board:
Here is Paolo fresh (if a little shaken) from a journey into the very heart of darkness from which he barely survived and only his quick-witted mind and agile ballerina feet kept him from meeting his maker. He has refused to go into details about his ordeal saying only that it stemmed from an argument with a shaman about Quantum Leap. His hand was stuck to his chin for 72 hours.
How full of hilarity is that?

I won't continue to fawn over Dave's comedic charm, I'll let him do that for himself. Enjoy, my faithful readers. All two of you.

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At 30/1/09 4:53 PM, Blogger Ri. Short for Maria. Not pronounced like the bread. said...

Okay, I officially love Dave.

I call him as my imaginary boyfriend. You can't argue, because then you'd be cheating on Fimmel. So, thank you LOADS for bringing him to my attention...kiss, kiss, big squishy hugs!

Now, back off. I'll cut a bitch.

Oh, and can I be #1 of your two readers? Pretty please? Cause, whoever the other one is - I love you more. :)


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