Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pissing and Moaning

Ugh. It's Sunday, the day that I usually clean our pigsty and cook a decent meal, pretty much the only one of the week. I'm so easily agitated today, and I'm not sure why. Here's a list of the reasons why I might be bitchy, but in the end, the final answer is that I'm a bitch hog, pure and simple.

1. The house is a mess. Always. There are only three of us here, why on God's green Earth do we make such a mess? It's not like we live in a huge house either. It's a small 40's style 3 bedroom, 2 bath war-era bungalow. No wonder the mice have found our Garbage House their own private little utopia. We can't keep it clean to save our lives.

2. My hillbilly Christmas tree is still up. It's Jan. 11th. Well, it's not like I've turned the lights on past Jan. 2. That makes it acceptable, right? In my effed up little world, it makes sense. I have to disengage the tree today, something I'm clearly avoiding. I'm staring at it right now, flipping it the bird.

ETA at 3:43 p.m.: The tree is down, safely duct taped inside it's brown box coffin down in the basement for another year.

3. My dumbass decision to attempt to skip my period. I've been on the pill for a really long time and never attempted this before until last week. Supposedly you can skip your period by starting a new pack of pills instead of waiting until the following week after your period starts. Since we were going on vacation during the week of my scheduled period, I didn't want the hassle so I decided this would be a good time to tempt fate. It didn't work out so well for me. Aunt Flo didn't arrive as scheduled, but she showed up with a vengeance 3 days later. Of course, I wasn't prepared so we had to make an unscheduled stop at the local Gas-n-Sip to load up on feminine hygiene products. There's something squicky about buying Tampax from a podunk gas station. Anyway, I'm all out of whack. I haven't stopped leaking gloopy black gunk since, it's been about 10 days now. Oh shut it, if you're a girl, you understand. If you're a guy, grow a set. It's biology, get over it. Even the hottest chicks out there leak gloopy black gunk.

4. I hate the crap that is on the mainstream radio today. My favorite local indie station does some odd Sunday programming, usually in Spanish, and I don't understand anything they are playing. So I'm forced to listen to the drivel that is being mass produced by mega radio conglomerates. My area has shitty radio. Oh, and that I'm old school. I still like listening to the radio. My iPod is choice and all, but while I'm moving around the house cleaning, I don't want anything attached to me. With my luck, my iPod would fall off my person and land in the stank toilet that I'm attempting to clean.

ETA: Hate me some Britney, Rhianna and Cook. Sorry. I try to like them, I just don't.

5. Gray hair. I've made it to age 40 before having to color my hair to hide the gray. But lately, this is getting me down. Realization has set in that I'm not 21 anymore. (Please, if someone knows the whereabouts of my 21-year old body, please, I beg you, send it back to me.) My hair is a really dark brown so the gray shows like a beacon. Bah.

6. Procrastination. I am the queen. That. is. all.

7. Sean Puffy P. Diddy or just Diddy Combs. Do the world a favor and pick a name, k? Thx. That's always bugged the shit out of me.

Ok, procrastinating done for the moment. Must get back to the wonderland that is JMR's flop house.


At 13/1/09 8:29 PM, Blogger Ri. Short for Maria. Not pronounced like the bread. said...

Ooohhhhhh, kiddo...I flove you. Tell it like it is, baby - black gunk and all!


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