Friday, February 27, 2009

I Want a Bunny Body Slam

This video makes me giggle. Bring it, Bunny Wabbit.

In other news, all work and no play make Julie a very dull girl. Yes, this has been said numerous times on this blog. I'm such a slave to time.

Speaking of slave, I want to share this little, what should I call it? I guess quip is appropriate. Someone I know has the last name of Lavery. Her first initial is S. She has a vanity plate on her car. You know where I'm going with this. Her license plate says SLAVERY. And she's white.

Can you imagine the looks she receives while tooling around in her fancy car, all white and shit? I know she means absolutely nothing derogatory by it, and I've often wondered if she's even figured out the implications, but nonetheless, I get a charge out of it every time I see her in her car.

People make me laugh.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seriously, I want to blog. I really do.

For some of you, you know what I'm dealing with at the J-O-B. The work world is clearly spinning off its axis. I have so many comments, ideas and rants running through my split pea brain but I'm unable to release them. I must hold my head high and plow forward. So today, instead of blogging like I want to, I must focus on the task at hand and muddle through.

As I sit here pecking away on the laptop, I look longingly at Jagger, the Slasher Cat, sleeping blissfully, half on the table, half on the window sill, with his head nuzzled into the corner of the window. He looks so peaceful.

If I went into the office today and nuzzled my head into a nonexistent window, would I look so peaceful? Um, no. I'd end up being fitted for the latest in straight jacket fashion.

Right now, the comfort of canvas and buckles sounds like a fabulous vacation destination.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fourteen Perfect Words for the Fourteenth Day of February.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Joonya is sick. Now where's my WTF blanket?

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

"...viewing scrambled porn..." The more I watch it, the harder I laugh.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My Blog is a Crapfest. Blame Facebook.

Why, oh why, does Facebook have to be such a time suck? Between my reading blogs, posting on the many forums I belong to, that thing I call a job, and of course, my beloved family, how in the hell am I supposed to keep up on Facebook?

By me adding my maiden name to my nomenclature, old friends from high school have started coming out of the woodwork. Catching up with people from 22 years ago takes a lot of time.

Even though it drains my time, I love it. I never ventured deeply into the abyss that is MySpace. I just couldn't handle all the blinking and glitter. I much prefer the clean lines of Facebook, sans all the buttons, flair, drinks, green patches, etc. that inundate my Requests. I'm continuously "ignoring all" requests, except friend requests, and if that makes me a Facebookbitch, then so be it. It's a tiara I'll wear proudly.

So there you have it. I whined about not having time. Imagine that. Those who know me know that I'm a classic pisser and moaner, and it's ALWAYS about time.