Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eggs are fryin' up in the brain pan

I've been missing my blog. She's been a good friend to me over the past several years and lately, I've been dissing her like a bad case of herpes. It's time to rekindle my love affair with the voices in my head and get them posted for the whole world to ignore.

In short moments of lucidity, I catch fleeting glimpses of topics that must be discussed. Fantarding fairytales. International Delight's Chocolate Raspberry Creamer. Cramps.

Right now, though, I must put those Pulitzer worthy topics to rest and focus on the task at hand. The J-O-B. But fret not my faithful two readers (counting myself), I will be back to blog sometime in the next decade. And that's no lie.

Mmmm, going to warm up my coffee. I love the coffee pixies who sprinkle me with their caffeine fairy dust.