Friday, February 27, 2009

I Want a Bunny Body Slam

This video makes me giggle. Bring it, Bunny Wabbit.

In other news, all work and no play make Julie a very dull girl. Yes, this has been said numerous times on this blog. I'm such a slave to time.

Speaking of slave, I want to share this little, what should I call it? I guess quip is appropriate. Someone I know has the last name of Lavery. Her first initial is S. She has a vanity plate on her car. You know where I'm going with this. Her license plate says SLAVERY. And she's white.

Can you imagine the looks she receives while tooling around in her fancy car, all white and shit? I know she means absolutely nothing derogatory by it, and I've often wondered if she's even figured out the implications, but nonetheless, I get a charge out of it every time I see her in her car.

People make me laugh.


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