Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Weekend Wrap-Up

Alright, so it's been a busy last several days for me, and not just at work. Friday evening, after a long day, my husband calls just as I'm leaving the office and wants to know if I want to go to my nephew's sectional basketball tournament game. Sure, why not.

I haven't stopped since.

The Hayseeds vs. the #1 Seed
My nephew goes to a Division I school in the western suburbs of Cleveland. How his school is Division I is beyond me - not your typical Division I school. Apparently it's based on enrollment and Midview must make the enrollment cut-off by one. Unfortunately for them, they were paired up against Cleveland St. Edwards, a private school in the heart of Cleveland, and independent. I would have to say that St. Ed's had at least 6-12 inches on every player of Midview. It's not a surprise that they lost despite their best attempts to make a run. It was a fun night but disappointing for the Middies.

And that brings me to "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Baybeeeeeee!" It's March Madness time again. Bring on the brackets. I'm ready.

Into the Bowels of the Jake
Saturday morning, Jacob's Field had an open house for the public. Joonya is really starting to dig the Tribe so we decided to go, and I'm glad we did. It was a chance to see everything that goes on behind the scenes at a ML baseball game. Joonya got to hit 3 balls in the batting cages under the field. We got to tour the clubhouse and the visiting team clubhouse. We were able to sit at the press interview table. We were able to view all of the fancy club seats and loge/party rooms. Rock on, I totally want to splurge and spend $1200 on a loge! We got to sit in the press box which is HUGE. I was pretty geeked about sitting up there looking down on homeplate. On warm days, the windows open so the press can be even closer to the action. Towards the end of the day, we were able to walk out onto the field's warning track. It was fun to see all the kids, and even some grown men, run and pretend to be catching a fly ball while smashing themselves into the wall. I was laughing at all the diehards who were taking pictures of themselves receiving "the call" in the bullpen. It was a great community event and I'm glad the Jake put it on. I'm such a fan.

When we were finished, we walked across the street to Alice's Cooperstown for lunch. I just don't do novelty restaurants well. One, they are always overpriced. And two, the food usually sucks. Hard Rock, Planet Hollywood, pleck. Cooperstown is no exception. Pisspoor service and the food was hardly edible. The only good thing was that I got to hear both sides of Motley Crue's Shout at the Devil and Girls, Girls, Girls.

Brought back some fond, fond memories of my high school and college days. I just hope the Too Young to Fall in Love video we made at Mike's house with my posse from high school never shows up on the Internet.

It's 2 a.m. - Time to vomit!
So Joonya has come down with some nasty stomach virus. For the last few nights, he's been having a really tough time of it. He'll fall asleep for about 5 hours and then will wake up, usually around 2 a.m., and puke. After the initial purge, it's several more hours of tossing and turning and trips to the bathroom. I'm cranky today because I'm going on limited sleep. Not only does he have some sort of virus, he's broken out with a nasty rash on his right arm, and only his right arm. He suffers from eczema from time to time, and I assumed when this badboy showed, it was just that. But by Sunday afternoon it had worked it's way up his arm, over his shoulder and down his back. He looked like a leper. I called off work and took him to the doctor yesterday. Apparently he's got some sort of skin allergy and it's a mystery as to what is causing it. The medication the doctor gave him is doing the trick though. Perhaps it was all the fungus growing on the pads of the homerun fence at the Jake!

Please note that I spared you all pictures of vomit and leprocy.

What the eff is up with Diet Pepsi?
I'm talking about those 24 ounce plastic bottles of Diet Pepsi that come in a six pack. My husband ALWAYS buys them at the store. Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi, Sprite. This only happens with the 6-pack 24 ouncers. I don't know what kind of carbonation Pepsi is packing in those bottles, but EVERY FREAKING TIME I open a bottle, it's like Old Faithful is going off in my hand. If it hasn't burst and spilled all over my hand, clothes, counter, floor, carpet...it's a GD miracle. Even after a successful opening, I just sit and stare at all the bubbles roaring up from the bottom of the bottle, like some sort of chemistry experiment gone horribly wrong. And it makes it's own noise! It's the damndest thing. No wonder they put warning labels on the bottles. "Contents under pressure. Use extreme caution when opening. Safeguard valuable clothing, carpet, etc." Cripes!

I got on this rant because Joonya spilled at least 12 ounces this morning on the table which managed to puddle on the carpet, splash the wall (behind him, mind you) and pool up on the windowsill - as we were just about to walk out the door for school. No time for a thorough cleaning either, it was a Resolve quick spray and we were on our way. I'm sure the sticky residue will be fun to come home to tonight.

Manage Your Emotions and Thrive Under Pressure
This is my new motto. After a very, very trying day, I received a seminar booklet in the mail today on "Managing your Emotions and Thriving Under Pressure." No, I'm not going to go, but I thought, damn, that's what I need to learn how to do. Realizing that I'm emotional by nature and that I can't change it - I sure as hell can try to manage it better. And I definitely could learn to thrive a bit better under pressure. I mean, the pressure is going to be there, no matter what, so I might as well thrive! I typed out my little motto and taped it to my monitor as a reminder. We'll see what happens.

I wonder how long it'll take before my coworkers leave cyanide tablets on my desk with a note, "Do us all a favor."


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