Monday, January 30, 2006

Closing the gap and whitening my teef

I've got my teef whitening moufguard in so speaking properly has it's challenges. Check it out, I've got 30 minutes to burn while my teef bathe in their hydrogen peroxide gelidescent glory! I'm putting those 30 minutes to good use. I'm closing the gap between posts. Not bad, JMR, not bad...20 days between posts this time. Oh, I'm so proud. *weep*

So yeah, this work thing truly has been kicking my ass. I tool into work around 8:45 and don't stop until 5:30 or 6:00, barely taking the time to pee, let alone eat lunch. I spent the last 2 solid months migrating our old Web page to our new one. Not a small feat, considering much of the content on the old site was nearly 10 years old and needed some serious updating. I am the Web Nazi, coo coo ka choo. If anyone gets that reference, you need help. In all, the site went live with little or no disruption, and I finally got a decent night's sleep.

My work load hasn't really lightened any since the GO LIVE date came and went. I decided to take on another monumental project that was larger than I expected. Ever dream about work? Cripes, I do it every night. Apparently the other night, my husband woke me to tell me to move over. I was on top of the covers and had him pinned in. When he asked me to move over, I replied, "I can't! I can't! I'm working on the schedule book!"


So my friends, I've become a work junkie. And here I sit whitening my teef because I drink a lot of coffee to get me through my days. Lovely, vision, eh? You should see my hair all pulled up on top of my head like Pebbles. With my blue moufguard in. Back off guys, I'm spoken for.



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