Monday, November 14, 2005

What I did on Veteran's Day

So I had Friday, November 11th off from work in honor of our veterans. Yee haw. I had grandiose plans for the day. I was going to clean my house. I'm not talking surface cleaning, I was going to get out the Hoover Steam Cleaner and shampoo the carpets. I was going to tackle the junk closet, the one closet where everything ends up in a heap. I was going to reorganize the tupperware cabinet. I was going to disect the pantry and put it back together in an organized fashion. I was going to divide and conquer.


Instead, I plopped my ass down on the couch for several hours and renewed my love for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I forgot how damn funny that show is. I also forgot how infatuated with Jon Stewart I am. And I forgot how I absolutely adore funny men. Swoon.

I also was introduced to Butch Bradley on Comedy Central. I imagine Butch is widely known on the comedy circuit, but this was the first time I saw him. I hadn't laughed like that in such a long time. Here I was, in my sweats, glasses, hair all a'touseled, snuggled up on the couch under a blankey, watching Butch and laughing so hard I was crying - all by myself. Do you know how therapeutic that is? That was the best damned Veteran's Day gift anyone could have ever given me.

Around 3 p.m., I managed to "pick up" the downstairs of the house so that I didn't look like a total sloth for when the fam got home around 4:30. It did me a world of good to sit there and laugh like a loon alone in the house, soaking up any and all moments of silence and peace. I busted ass on Saturday to make up for my comedy vacation I had on Friday, only to have the house destroyed on Sunday by family, friends and dogs. I didn't care. It was fun. My 3-day weekend was immensely enjoyable.

And seriously needed.

So my warmest thanks to all the veteran's of this great country who have served us proudly. I truly mean that, despite how I spent my day. I told MacFucker last week that Veteran's Day actually means something to me now. As it should.


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