Thursday, November 17, 2005


Tantra: Any of a comparatively recent class of Hindu or Buddhist religious literature written in Sanskrit and concerned with powerful ritual acts of body, speech, and mind.

Sanskrit: An ancient Indic language that is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas and is the classical literary language of India.

Ok folks, I'm talking about the post-grunge rock band, Tantric, who got their name from a secretary or girlfriend of a member of the unnamed band at the time, who was spewing on and on, naked, about the glories of tantric sex.

Yesterday, while travelling home from work, I heard "Astounded" on the radio and I was awash with fond memories of the band's first and self-named album. I remember the day I bought it. It had to be summer 2001 and it forever remains the CD which gets tons of play during the summer months. Along with a few others, it's my summer CD.

The history of this band is very confusing. Three members of the band, Days of the New, formerly known as Carbon-14 and then Dead Reckoning, formed Tantric with a new lead singer, replacing Travis Meeks with Hugo Ferreira. Different versions abound - Meeks fired his former bandmates, the three bandmates set on their own - in any case, Tantric was formed by three long-time friends from KY and a new lead singer from Detroit. Today, apparently, you can see Travis Meeks on A&E's hit show, Intervention, as he battles his addiction to crystal meth - thus, shooting Tantric back into the spotlight - in a very round about way.

Looks as if I'm having some sort of musical memory lane thing going this week with my blog. Jefferson Starship, Carly Simon and now Tantric. At least I've progressed to music from the new millenium. I can't tell you how much I love this CD. It's definitely one of my favorites. I will admit that I never purchased any of Tantric's later releases, probably because my musical tastes shifted to DMB and other folk-like jam bands and individuals. So, with that being said, I'm going to proclaim Tantric as one of my "If I Had My Own Theme Music" choices - Astounded.

All you stupid fuckers walk around astounded and drowning.

What more needs to be said?

(and as a sidenote, how many of you are scratching your head wondering, "What the hell is she talking about?")

My work here is done.


At 23/11/05 9:26 AM, Blogger Dan said...

(and as a sidenote, how many of you are scratching your head wondering, "What the hell is she talking about?")

Me! ::raises hand vigorously::

I lived through grunge -- though, admittedly quite intoxicated much of the time. How come I don't remember Tantric?!?

At 23/11/05 10:50 AM, Blogger Jules said...

The obvious answer is, "Cuz you were drunk, Dog!" But I won't play Captain Obvious and give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm not entirely sure Tantric was all that popular, except for a short time span between 2001-2002. Perhaps you were too busy reviewing those crazy Japanese vids that you like - or whatever they are that you find fascinating. (laughing - I'm clueless, Dog, just clueless. Notice how I never comment on your posts in which you discuss these movies? It's because I have a blank stare on my face followed by an "ok then".) In any case, Tantric is a good band and you should do yourself a favor and check them out. I guarantee that when you listen, you'll remember. I'm sure a few other grain alcohol induced-stupors will resurface too.

At 29/11/05 9:44 AM, Blogger Dan said...

Geek that I am, I think I may have been deeply immersed in '50s and '60s small combo jazz in 2001/2002. That or Pearl Jam.

I'll have to seek out some Tantric ('cause Sting is guaranteed to satisfy).

And, yeah, I geek out completely over Japanese movies. I can't help myself. Pity my wife.

At 29/11/05 9:29 PM, Blogger Jules said...

Consider her pitied.

But in your defense, you could be much worse. You could be a Cubs fan.

Oh wait. Baa ha ha ha.

Me so funny.

At 30/11/05 8:48 AM, Blogger Dan said...

But in your defense, you could be much worse. You could be a Cubs fan.

Can't. Reach. Knife. In. Back...

At 30/11/05 9:24 AM, Blogger Jules said...


Here, lemme help ya with that.


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