Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Oleyme! and the RHS

When commenting on my blog, or a number of other blogs, you'll encounter the word verification box before you're able to post your message. I'm becoming quite fond of the secret decoder words. Today, while posting back and forth with Stray Dog, one of my verification words was oleyme.


I love it. It's my word of the day. I've rattled it off about 100 times already. Sure, sure, you can take it to the next step and assume my subliminal psyche is itching for a little sumthin', sumthin'...but really, quite innocently, I think it's simply funny.

In other news, marginal work has been accomplished today as we prepare for a tour group that's coming in around 3:30. Occasionally, we are asked by civic groups if they can come on campus and take a tour. Today, we have the 50+ lovelies from the Red Hat Society coming in. A-Bomb will be welcoming these ladies in red and of course, we've been picking on him all day. A-Bomb is a mid-twenties cutie and the Red Hat ladies are going to LOVE him.

I slapped this picture together while A-Bomb was at lunch. It's hanging on his door.

P.S. Note that A-bomb is wearing a prison jump suit, donning handcuffs and a knife. No, he's not a convict, he wore that for Halloween one year. He's the Red Hat Society's Prisoner of Luuuv.


At 15/2/06 8:14 AM, Blogger Dan said...

Sweet. Two observations:

1. Oleyme would be a great name for a punk band.

2. I want an Oleyme T-shirt. Maybe you should open a Cafe Press shop. :P


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