Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Married to an Old Bat

Joonya comes home with an assignment from school. He is to ask me a series of questions for a supposed Mother's Day project. The three of us sit down at the table and he proceeds to ask me his questions while my husband interjects his smart-ass comments after all of my answers.

Where was I born: NE Ohio [hillbilly nation]
Profession: Higher ed marketing
How old am I: 37, I'll be 38 in June [snicker] (he's 2 years younger than me)
Favorite color: Yellow [Yellow? Isn't that what old ladies like?]
Favorite TV Show: That's easy, The West Wing [eye roll]
Favorite things to do: Play baseball with Joonya, cuddle with Joonya [more eye rolling]
Things I don't like: Folding clothes [nodding in agreement]
Favorite song: Miracles by Jefferson Starship [full-blown laughter] (yes, it came out in 1975)

Meanwhile, Joonya is complaining if I give longer than a two-word answer because he doesn't want to write it all down. I'm so looking forward to this Mother's Day project from Joonya.

Apparently I'm old. It's an ongoing joke between DaHubs and I, but lately I'm beginning to see (and feel) that I am getting old.

For example, I can't wait for menopause. I am so over this period thing. I'm ready for it to be done. And I look forward to hormone replacement therapy. I always wanted a mustache and matching sideburns.

Update: May 4
I dig the above picture of my post title, Old Bat. I can only hope that when I'm homeless and destitute that I have the moxie to wear killer duds and smoke only best $1.15 cigars. Y'all should know that. She's got it goin' on.


At 9/7/06 10:15 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said...

That was so funny lol I loved it...


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