Tuesday, May 02, 2006

JMR = Schmuck

I am a schmuck.

I had one of those days that just went horribly wrong from the get go. On one hand, I spoke my mind and for a change, that felt pretty good. That's schmuck scenario #1. Truth can be powerful. Truth can also be humbling. But still, I'm left feeling like a schmuck.

Schmuck scenario #2 involves my pathetic need for attention, even when it's not warranted. Why I do this is beyond me. I like to be included, even when I have no business being there. I'm like the kid trying to be included in a conversation who blurts things out that make little sense to those involved, yet I feel as though I'm the coolest person around. No, JMR, you're a schmuck.

I'm owning up to my schmuckness.

If you're reading this and thinking, "Oh yeah, I know what she's talking about. I know her schmuckness," I apologize for my schmuck-like ways. I will try to do better.

Being a schmuck is no fun.


At 2/5/06 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "schmuck" is the Yiddish term for "foreskin".

So, are you really a schmuck?

At 3/5/06 8:30 AM, Blogger Jules said...

I'm going with dictionary.com's version: "clumsy or stupid person, an oaf." I realize that the Yiddish definition is more popular, however, it still applies.


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