Thursday, April 20, 2006

Not an Original Thought to be Found

Arrrgh, I'm nothing short of a two-bit pirate.

I haven't blogged in a while because I've been busy with work and my son's baseball team. My husband is coaching and I've been out there helping the kids as well. It's good for this old body to be swinging a bat and catching a ball. The first few days I was a tad sore, but the initial shock has since worn off my body.

As far as blogging goes, the only thing I've done is peruse the usual suspects, and once again, Stray Dog has something worth stealing. Back in the day, I was a huge fan of South Park but haven't been too faithful lately. Well, not in the last few years. That really doesn't constitute lately. Essentially I suck as a fan. Let's just say I have an appreciation for the show.

So when I saw Dan's post about creating the Stray Dog South Park character, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to create the JMR South Park character.

She looks a little something like this.

Of course, I must give kudos where kudos are due. I'm always a fan of the creative creatures who come up with fabulous stuff like this.

Get your own South Park character at PLANEARIUM.


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