Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Gobbily Gook in the Brain Pan

I've got a lot of things going on in my head.

1. The tortilla.
This is a fabulous invention. You can put anything on a tortilla and it's going to taste good. Today's lunch involves a tortilla, cream cheese, sandwich pepperoni, American cheese and lettuce. Wasn't sure about the concoction when I put it together today but it's earning my vote. Yum.

2. Rob Zombie - Never Gonna Stop
This song needs more air play. Sure it had it's day, but it's time for this song to be standard issue on mainstream radio. Why? Because I think so. Period. I even like the dance remix. So there.

3. Noshavepits
Willy Brand of Beverly Hills had his SUV keyed yesterday. Not only was it keyed, it was keyed to make a statement. Apparently some noshavepit in CA doesn't like Willy driving an SUV so they keyed his gas tank cover, and only his gas tank cover. Man, that's just wrong. Destruction of personal property does not get your point across. Destruction of personal property puts a bounty on your head. I'm sure if we were to examine the said culprit under a microscope, we'd find all sorts of hypocricies such as nonorganic milk in his fridge or an armoire made of teak. I mirror Willy's sentiments. The criminal keyer is, by far, an effin asshole.

4. Cliche
As I was leaving work to come home for lunch, I noticed something in our parking lot. A moderately-handsome 40-something professor was getting out of his black Mazda Miata convertable. His license plate read "Cliche." That's beautiful. It pleases me that he sees the humor in his consumer behavior.

5. MacFucker returns home
A good friend of mine who is in the army from Virginia recently returned home from a two week stint in Louisiana. He's a helicopter pilot and spent some of his time in LA repairing the faulty levees in New Orleans. He has a different take on the disaster that struck this region. He doesn't blame big government or even FEMA for dropping the ball. He says the fault lies within local goverments. He quoted local officials saying, "Sorry guys, you aren't bringing those refugees through my Parish," and so forth. He couldn't believe the brazen attitudes many local officials had. He felt that it was local governments who brought the recovery efforts to a grinding hault. It's another perspective to ponder, I suppose. He also told me about Drop Dead Fred. Fred was a floating body that was near one of the levees he was repairing. The guys in his unit were not permitted to pull Fred out of the water. It was the responsibility of some other aid and rescue unit. Fred bobbed, well, what was left of him, for five days until the President came, then, and only then, did someone bag him up.

6. While I'm on the topic of Katrina
Not many good things have come out of the aftermath of Katrina, except one: face time with Harry Connick, Jr. The man is hot. Scrumptious. Deeee-lish. The only thing that could make Harry Jr. hotter is if he was delivered to me on a silver platter wrapped in a tortilla.


At 20/9/05 1:58 PM, Blogger Dan said...

A glorious ode to the tortilla. It is all that. It's everything that bastard stepchild the pita dreams of being.

At 20/9/05 2:02 PM, Blogger Jules said...

It's everything that bastard stepchild the pita dreams of being.

True dat. I couldn't have said it better myself.

At 20/9/05 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noshavepits seems to be a far better nickname than just flat out hippie.

At 20/9/05 4:23 PM, Blogger Jules said...

I'm glad I was good for something today.

At 21/9/05 7:48 AM, Blogger Dan said...

Noshavedpits is a good one, and to paraphrase Lance from Pulp Fiction, "It's chicken sh*t. You don't f**k with a man's vehicle."


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